Camp Holloway Discussion Forum Archive 01 - 11/11/00 to 05/06/01

Re: Huong's Lounge - 143-A Ruede Rouge - Pleiku ?

Mark, I'm surprised at you. Being the all-American boys that we were would never have gone to a place like that. We would spend our off-hours writing letters home or reading books. Besides the garbage dump was a better place to get a girl. Lot cheaper. I never really went into town. I do remember Sin City. It was a little town of it self. It was between us and Camp Enari by Contour Mountain. In it's hay-day it was a booming gold mine of bars and whore-houses. All the buildings were painted pink and yellow. It shut down after Tet of 1968. To many bad guys were using the facilities. So one of the favorite targets for the Crocs became Sin City. Anybody who flew remembers Sin City and Contour Mountain. Two of the best landmarks around Pleiku. Maybe some of the guys from 1966 or 1967 can best fill in the gaps about the place. Like I said I was the alter-boy who never did anything wrong.

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Re: Huong's Lounge - 143-A Ruede Rouge - Pleiku ?
Re: Huong's Lounge - 143-A Ruede Rouge - Pleiku ?