Camp Holloway Discussion Forum Archive 01 - 11/11/00 to 05/06/01


Mark thanks for your response and suggestion.

Well, I would like to make a proposal with regard to your MAYDAY message. I would like to get input from all of the old guys about having a big reunion at my farm during the fall of 2002 or the March to November timeframe of 2003. I have spoken to a few of the unit members over the last month and and the general consensus is starting to form. I would provide the property, very remote (23 miles from the nearest town with a motel or restaurant)so we would have to be prepared to camp and meet with all of our brothers *(AND)* THEIR FAMILIES AND SIGNIFICANT OTHERS. Great emphasis on having fun and meeting and enjoying the company of ALL of the members of our old unit, legendary, notorious, infamous, and all.

One of the people that I contacted said that he had a motor home, that sounds great, others spoke of tents, I say "LETS GET TOGETHER.

I have found a couple of my old friends who are not on the internet, and I am trying to find others. Is there anyone out there who has an old unit roster or a list of names of those who served in our unit and the supporting units?

Just a couple of comments about the thread, we were all certified 100% crazy in order to accept the assignments that we survived, some of us even have papers proving that fact. Someone mentioned a calling list - My number is 281-326-3416 but I am moving to the farm that I mentioned earlier within the next few months, I'll post that number when I get the new number.

The farm is in the Northeast corner of Heaven, Boxelder, Texas is the closest wide spot in the road near the farm. Seventy four acres with half of it covered with woods, the other half in pasture land. I think that there will be enough room for parking and camping, I'll have to figure a way to cover the needs for conveniences, and necessities such as water.

Let me know your thoughts! I am looking forward to meet with as many of the men and families as we can get together.



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