Camp Holloway Discussion Forum Archive 01 - 11/11/00 to 05/06/01

On Guard

Talk about Total Recall. Jack came up with those call signs and the wheels started turning. Crown was the call sign for the spotters who did the B-52 strikes. There was one guy who would come up with, "Attention all aircraft in the Pleiku area,this is GOD on guard with a thunder bolt" Remember that guy?

Peacock was the FO for the fast movers and those big fixed wing bombers out of New Pleiku. The AE-1 "Sandys" They also worked with "Snoppy".

The headhunters did their thing with arty. Remember those big 175 Howiters at Ben Hut. They could hit a target like 26 miles away. I loved Ben Hut. Crashed on their runway twice. At least you knew there was friendlies there.

I think we need to get that grant so we can sit around and swap lies and get drunk because we owe it to ourselves.