Camp Holloway Discussion Forum Archive 02 - 05/07/01 to 02/28/03

"Tribute to Heroes"

Watching the "Tribute to Heroes." Great show.

Strange thing, most of the poptarts are having a wonderful time performing, and most of the men are crying.

Either the world is still upside-down or we've finally got to where we should have been all along, somehow.

By the way, anybody seen Alec Baldwin lately? He doesn't leave the USA pretty soon, like he promised he'd do if Bush were elected, he'll have to take a boat because there won't be any airlines left operating. You'd think 8 months since Bush's inauguration would be enough time to pack, huh?

Maybe he can find a nice rent in Kabul that he'd be comfortable with. ("Hey Alec! Kabul is okay, buddy! Food sucks, but household help it so cheap you can't believe it! They say it might be getting a little noisy sometime soon but, hey, how loud can it get, huh?")


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