Camp Holloway Discussion Forum Archive 02 - 05/07/01 to 02/28/03

Operation Paul Revere IV

From the After Action Report George Heidt mailed me regarding Operation Paul Revere IV

11 November 1966

UH-1B from D Troop, 1st Squadron, 10th Cavalry shot sown in vicinity of YA585562 resulting in four KIA and one destroyed helicopter.

UH-1B from 52d Aviation Battalion in support of the 4th Infantry Division was shot down in vicinity YA585562 resulting in four KIA and one destroyed helicopter.

UH-1D from 4th Aviation battalion was hit by ground fire in vicinity of YA586567 but landed at Plei Djerang with no casualties.

UH-1D from 52d Aviation Battalion was shot sown in vicinity of YA595562 resulting in three KIA and one destroyed helicopter.

UH-1D hit by enemy fire while on the gourd in vicinity of YA6055514 was able to take-off and land at Plei Djerang but suffered two US KIA.

UH-1D was destroyed as a result of an accident at Plei Djerang causing two US KIA.