Camp Holloway Discussion Forum Archive 02 - 05/07/01 to 02/28/03

Letters home March '69

March 2, 1969: We are set up on a hilltop now and we are supposed to move to another one tomorrow. Maybe we will settle down for awhile. I wish they would send out some soda, I sure would like a cold Coke. I made Specialist Fourth Class February 24.

March 4, 1969: Well we are moving again, this will be a battalion size movement so something is up. (Alpha, Bravo, Charlie & Delta Companies) You may have heard about some Russian Tanks in the Central Highlands, well that's where we are. I think Dak To or Kontum. Today they had airstrikes close by and we could see them drop their bombs. Tomorrow we combat assault at 0:700 sharp.

March 8, 1969: We haven't received any mail for awhile. I am not sure where we are, somewhere above Kontum. They say we are suppose to move again today but where and when I don't know. We are now setup off of a small river and it sure is nice to be able to wash up. This Firebase is battalion size but there are only two companies here. I met a couple of guys who I came over here with and we talked for a couple of hours.

March 10, 1969: We are on the move again. We have to cut a LZ. Lot 's happening here in the 4th Infantry Kontum area. We are on a NVA road that they cut out of the jungle. We found a bunker complex with a complete kitchen. We just hope we don't run into any of the enemy. I have to go down to a stream where the NVA had a bridge (we blew it up) and fill my canteens. I hump five-quarts and sometimes I carry ten-quarts when I have the plastic bladders. I hate to run low on water. We have to stretch our meals for a couple of days. At a Firebase we stayed for a day and got hit by 122mm rockets. They sure frighten me. The rockets damaged the airstrip.

March 11, 1969: We are moving to Dak To.

March 14, 1969: Tonight I will have Spaghetti with Meat Sauce, Pecan Cake Roll, B-2 unit.

March 17, 1969: We are shamming in Dak To. Every night we go to the clubs have cold beer, soda and watch movies. Boy, are we enjoying ourselves. We are eating real well too, three hot meals a day and sleep in until 8:00 every morning.

March 20, 1969: Stayed 3-days in Dak To and now we are in the mountains again, I sure hope we can get out of them. We can see the lights of Pleiku at night. We have a lot of guys Derosing in March and April, good to see them go because it means you are getting short.

March 24, 1969: We are running around in the mountains looking for NVA. We have found many bunkers, equipment and one prisoner of war. Remember the place called Polei Kleng up near Dak to? We were there and there was a lot of activity. Our platoon and two APC's killed 14 NVA and no US killed. The NVA carry clean clothes, rice, salt, tobacco, toothpaste, toothbrush and sandals made out of tires.

March 25, 1969: We are still in the mountains and I hope we get out of here soon because it's a back breaker to walk up and down the slopes. The NVA cut steps into the side of the mountain to make it easier to climb. Sometimes we use their steps when climbing.

March 26, 1969: In April I will be starting my eight-month in country. I am listening to the Gene Weed show on the radio. Our Lieutenant just called me to the Company Commander, the Lieutenant didn't even know my name, they asked my rank and time incountry and whether I could type. A clerk for Bravo Company is Derosing in two weeks and they need someone to take his position (I never got the company clerk's job). I said I could type and I will be taking over his job. We will be staying on this hilltop for a day or so.

March 31, 1969: It really rained hard last night but I defeated the rain because I stayed dry. We are still in the mountains roaming the hills. I have 158 days left to go in Vietnam.

Letter undated: Plei Djereng we were there and then moved to Ben Het area. We were supposed to travel to Dak To but they changed their plans.