Camp Holloway Discussion Forum Archive 02 - 05/07/01 to 02/28/03

Letters home May 1969

May 1, 1969: Well we never went to Ban MeThuot. They told us to make a landing zone large enough for two helicopters then they changed their minds. We are now going to the Ia Drang Valley.

May 2, 1969: I put in for an extension for Cam Ranh Bay. Were are now in the Duc Co area looking for rice caches. Rolling hills and villages. We are still waiting for the rains but they say a late monsoon. We found rice and B-40 rockets and a place that held prisoners of war.

May 4, 1969: We are still in the Duc Co area that is the closest I can plot myself. We are searching for enemy rice and it isn't too bad compared to what we had been through.

May 6, 1969: We have an hour or so before we go out on a short patrol. The R&R's came down for June but I didn't ask for one, that was hard to do. I will put in for my R&R at the end of June. We have been getting a lot of new people in and boy I sure feel good with only four months left to go. They moved us again and we are back to the same area where we were when we completed our standdown. We are supposed to be protecting the villages.

May 10, 1969: Not much going on. I would like some Kool-Aid because where we are now the water is lousy and with the pills we put in it taste horrible.

May 11, 1969: The paper work came down for the extension so all I have to do is wait for the answer which should take one to two months. We have ambush tonight so I will have to get prepared for that.

May 14, 1969: We are busy again and my letters will be few and far between. The enemy is starting to cause some more trouble. We are located not too far from Pleiku, about 16 miles. It has not started to rain and I have no idea when it will start.

May 15, 1969: We are out in the field and it is lousy as usual.

May 17, 1969: We are hoping for a hot meal today. You get tired of C-rations all the time.

May 20, 1969: It looks like rain today, it rained the last 3 nights. I got wet one night but dried out. The monsoons are approaching, you can feel it.

May 21, 1969: Tomorrow we will be humping. We have a guy going home June 14, he is getting short, and good to see them leave. They just gave us 9 more C-ration meals. Tonight's meal; Beans and Franks, Date Pudding etc. Number 10. It has rained every night and tonight I feel is no exception.

May 24, 1969: A guy just came back to our platoon from R&R in Hong Kong and said it was wonderful.

May 26, 1969: We will be receiving our mail two days from now when we rejoin the other platoons and get resupplied. We go out as individual platoons to cover more area. There are a lot of guys going home June and July. I am still awaiting word on the extension.

May 29, 1969: It is raining every night now and continues until early morning. Boy am I muddy and dirty, I can't even comb my hair.

May 30, 1969: The pictures I sent you are of the biggest combat assault this year for us. It made the paper, which I will send along to you. A Battalion of NVA had attacked the Oasis and they got into the perimeter killing 15 GI's. Over 100 NVA were killed. We were nowhere near there so no sweat. There is a lot of talk about that hill, "Hamburg" I believe the 101st Airborne took many casualties assaulting this hill.

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Letters home May 1969
Re: Letters home May 1969