Camp Holloway Discussion Forum Archive 02 - 05/07/01 to 02/28/03

November 25, 1966

November 25, 1966

Dear Lorraine,

Hi Honey! How are you? We flew several hours today west of Pleiku near the border. We had to take some Col. Around to his FSB’s. I hate doing that because we have to sit and wait until he finishes his meeting. We made three stops before the weather got nasty. It was raining most of the day and then about 3:00 the clouds came in low. I’ve been wet and cold most of the day and was hoping for a hot shower when we got back but no such luck. The rainwater is clean so I just put on dry clothes. I still have to do my daily inspection but that can wait until I finish this.

Tomorrow we are supposed to do a few CA’s near Plei Djereng. Not sure if they will be Hot or Cold. Maybe its time to explain the difference between Hot and Cold. A Hot CA is when they expect to receive ground fire and the Landing Zones are prepped first with Artillery and then by our Gun Ships when we go in to drop off the troops. I hope it doesn’t get nasty. My gunner Jim just came in and is ready to help finish the Daily so I’ll stop for now. Maybe I’ll write more later.

Just in case I don’t, remember that I Love You.


Tom GAtor 851.