Camp Holloway Discussion Forum Archive 02 - 05/07/01 to 02/28/03

February 20, 1967

February 20, 1967

Dear Lorraine,

Hi! Honey, How are You? Not much going on here I got to sleep in this morning since we did not have any missions scheduled. I spent most of the day cleaning my ship. It was spotless when it came out of the hanger from inspection but it doesn’t take much airtime for things to build up. I also fixed a hydraulic line that was leaking a little. I have not heard any more about us going up north. The guys from 1st Flight took our place at Lane on the coast and should be back next week. Until then 2nd Flight is here at Pleiku.

In your last letter you said you started smoking, you should quit before you get hooked. I wish I had never started but over here you need something to relax. I know it’s not a very good excuse but this place can mess with your mind if you don’t stay busy. When I miss a few days writing its because I start thinking of how much I miss you and miss being back in the Real World. I know it does not take much time to just say I’m OK but once I start I can’t leave it at that.

I got a letter from my Mom today, she is OK but still watches way too much News. She talks about what is going on over here and wants to know if I am doing any of it. I don’t know how to tell her that everyone over here is doing the same things just in a different place. She is worried enough. This letter is starting to become depressing so I’m gonna stop.

I Love You, I’ll write again soon


Tom Gator 851.