Camp Holloway Discussion Forum Archive 03 - 03/01/01 to 12/31/03

June 16, 1967

June 16, 1967

Dear Lorraine,

Let me start by saying I’m sorry for my last letter, I should not let this place get to me like that. If you haven’t guessed by now you are the person I lean on when it gets tough.

I guess you have started school by now? It’s to soon to say how you will like going during the summer but you know what is best. At least it keeps you away from your mother I know she can be a pain. It should also make the time go faster. I know when I’m busy the time goes quickly. That will not be the case today, we are sitting and waiting for a mission. There is supposed to a big Combat Assault today near the area where we went the other day. The weather here is OK but it looks rough to the west in the mountains. The word we are getting is that patrols have made contact in several places and they think a large force might be near.

I feel bad for the guys in the field, yesterday the weather closed in at about 4:00pm and we had to return to base before making the hot meal runs. I talked to a few Grunts the other day that said they would not swap jobs with me for anything. Well guess what! I wouldn’t swap with them either. He said he does not have as far to fall.

Tell your roommates that when I get home I’m going to give them a big party and they should plan it for a Friday night when no one has to get up the next day. I’m thinking of all the things I want to do when I get home and at the same time wondering how I will fit in. I know I have changed but I’m not sure how much and if it’s for the best. I guess I won’t know until I get there. You might have to cut me some slack for a few days while I adjust, I know I have developed some bad language habits but over here you don’t have to worry about offending anyone.

Sorry, I went off the deep end again. The pilots are coming back to the ships so it looks like we are going. I will write again tomorrow.
