Camp Holloway Discussion Forum Archive 03 - 03/01/01 to 12/31/03

April 10, 1967

April 10, 1967

Dear Lorraine,

Hi! Honey, I got a letter from you today. Thank you and don’t worry about not writing much while you were on spring break. I’m not doing a good job of writing either. This will most likely be a short letter. I am sitting on my ship at Dakto. We just got here and will be here for the next month or so. It’s about 11:00 in the morning and the weather is overcast but we can still fly. I’m putting a few pictures in with this and some stamps. When I get a chance I’ll get a money order and send it to you but that will have to wait until I get back to Holloway.

This afternoon the Special Forces guys are going to put ropes and a rope ladder in our ships then we are supposed to get some training on how to use them for the missions. Something tells me that this is going to be hairy. We will be living in tents here and I have herd that the food is pretty good. The SF guys get the best of everything. There is not much of anything around here except jungle, mountains and trees. The scenery is great but it’s not the kind of place you want to get into trouble. There are not many places to land around here and I think the NVA own most of jungle.

My moral is better now, not sure why, so I think I might be writing more. You don’t need to change my address while I’m here. One of our ships will be going to Holloway every day or two to pick up Mail and other things. I will finish this later. I have some things to do on the ship and Jack need to clean the guns. We are on 24 hour alert while we are here and need to be ready to go all the time.

I Love You!!!!!!


Tom Gator 851.