Camp Holloway Discussion Forum Archive 03 - 03/01/01 to 12/31/03

March 15,1969

Today would begin the second phase of Operation Wayne Grey. As if a game of chess were being played on a large squared board the units of the 1st Brigade were positioned against a worthy opponent.

The Cu Dom Mountain south of LZ Brace had been pounded for the past two weeks. B-52s and artillery were used against this known base camp of the 66th NVA Regiment. During the past three years many battles had been fought over this piece of real estate. Just last April units from the 1/22th had fought in this area.

The elements of the 1/35th had been recalled to Dak To. LZ Mary was no longer being used as a base. The move into LZ Cider needed to be completed and the 4.2 mortars for LZ D-Handle were waiting at resupply for us to lift to that location. Because of the lack of action during the past two days we are at full strength. The flight is broken into three groups. The main goal is to resupply all of the bases.

Building a firebase is hard work. All of the work is done by hand. Shovels, picks, and axes are the main tools used. Building bunkers requires holes to be dug and sandbags filled. The grunt also string wire and place claymore mines and flares around the base. The pass few days have been very hot. Lack of sleep, food and water makes the work even harder.

The morning passes quickly. Our easy day ends around 10:00hrs. A quad fifty located between LZ Cider and LZ D-Handle has opened up on two of our ships. The Crocs come on station and expeded on the target. Once they have completed their runs, Cider aircraft direct air strikes. The bad guys are still here.

Companies Alpha and Charlie/1/8 had been operating in the vicinity of the Plei-Trap road since the beginning of the operation. Because of their depleted numbers they move to Hill 467 and combine forces as Task Force Alpha.

The afternoon proves interesting as enemy mortars hit some of the bases. Nothing heavy is reported. It is more harassment that anything. For the first time since we started this operation we take hot chow out to the firebases this afternoon. Morale is at rock bottom and this is the brass's way to improve it. The arrivial of the red mail bags also helps. A little something to make these guys feel human again. I get to leave this place at night. These guys are stuck here.

We finish up and are released before dark. Even though there was limited contact today another two Americans have died today. It seems our good luck has only lasted one day.