Camp Holloway Discussion Forum Archive 03 - 03/01/01 to 12/31/03

March 17, 1969

St. Pattie's Day finds us combining forces with the 170th AHC and Troop A /7/17th Cav. The brass feels that we need to pool our resourses to accomplish the air mission in the Plei-Trap. All this means is longer days for the air crews.

The main focus is to ran road interdiction from FSB 20 east and south from Hill 467. Task Force Alpha will send two platoons to YB 804034 to establish a patrol base. From there elements of Company A would move to YB 788023. We would resupply there with explositives so they could begin cratering the road. Ambush locations would concentrate east, north, and south of there. Company C at YB 815022 engaged three NVA at an ambush location with negative reults.

To the south resupply to LZ Cider and LZ D-Handle were hampered by sniper fire to the bases and small arms fire towards aircraft in general. Several patrols are now operating outside most of the bases and we are restricted to return fire unless we have a positive target. The NVA have learned to position themselves between two US units and then fire at our aircraft. If our aircraft return fire there is the possiblity of hitting friendly troops.

The resupply of units working along the Plei-Trap road is slow. Locating the units working below the trees reguires us to hover at tree top level. Once the unit is located we have to push the supplies off the ships to the troops below. Because of this and the number of bases which are now located in the valley, we labor until dark.

As we return to Holloway that night I think of Mayor Daily's parade and them dying the Chicago River Green. Corn beef and cabbage and green beer. Tonight the Irish of the 119th will have c-rations and Black Label beer. Of course we all have some of the green on today.