Camp Holloway Discussion Forum Archive 03 - 03/01/01 to 12/31/03


SITREP: SNAFU (with a little rain mixed in)

- Leaving in about an hour Tom. The ride is all packed up and ready to go. Got a pair of clean underwear and a patch to leave at the wall for Marty.

- We should be there sometime before tomorrow and leaving sometime after that. In between we'll have a beer and something to eat.

- Lumpy, we'll see you there brother. Thanks for the number.

- My phone will be off most of the day cause I can't hear it anyway. Leave a message if you call. I will also have my pager with me. You can send a page using the "TU" link on this posting board.

- Doc Bob, when you getting an old bike to ride with me so I'm not the only one slowing these guys down when we ride to D.C. ???? Man I catch hell. An then there's the stopping every 100 miles 'cause I'm low on gas........