Camp Holloway Discussion Forum Archive 04 - 01/01/04 to 02/10/06

Re: Food for thought ?
In Response To: Food for thought ? ()


In 1960 Democrats were in charge of the House, the Senate, and John F. Kennedy was the President. In 1963, JFK was removing the advisors from Vietnam, he had already taken the knife in the chest for those who led him into Cuba and he wasn't going to let this nation be dragged into another war. In November 63 Kennedy was assinated and within 72 hours of his death the new President, Johnson, signed the documents to stop the removal of personnel from Vietnam, and got us into Vietnam.

The Democrats controlled the House and the Senate from 1960 until 1994 when Gingrich led the charge to take over the House. In 1998 the Senate leadership was taken over by the Republicans.

During the time that the House and Senate were controlled by the Democrats, how many times did the military find themselves without funds to support the actions that had been assigned to them. Do any of these ring a bell? Beirut, Mogidishu, Haiti, Panama, Afganistan (CIA support extracted when the Russians departed), how about Desert Storm, (President Bush (41) promised support to the Muslems in their efforts to overthrow Sadam in 91). This is part of the reason that many of the Suni and Shia Muslems have sat on their hands until the Americans captured Sadam, they didn't trust us, we have always run away before. Besides they have proof of "our" lack of support for their efforts, just check out the mass graves that are being found all over Iraq. That would be enough to scare me, if the Democrats win how many will lose their lives when their support is withdrawn? The Muslems are afraid of Democracy because they have observed democracy in action, generally leaving them in the lurch every time that our government changes parties. To them Democracy is the USA and its fluctuating foreign policy.

Kerry blames President Nixon for the war in Vietnam. Nothing to do with the Democrat Party. The only way Nixon took over the Presidency was when Johnson waited till May of 1968 and declaired that he would no longer be willing to continue as President. The Democrats didn't have enough time to select a viable candidate for the position, and they wanted to be able to put the blame on someone else.

President Johnson was suffering due too much pressure from the Public and way too much pressure from all of the corporations that were making millions of dollars from the "Special Deals" that he had brokered. We, the soldiers were the expendable assetts that he was trading for his wealth. He was going to be too rich to deal with the trivial pursuit of running a nation that he had driven into the ground.

Check the history of this nation and check who was in power (not just the Presidency) when actions were taken. It puts a whole new light on our history.

True the President is a powerful figure, but without control of the House and Senate to back his play, he is nothing. President Reagan was an anomaly, he was a communicator, and his words brought about compliance due to the fear that he would expose those who were not supporting his policies. But when actions were taken and the funds were later taken away America appeared to back down. That is why the Muslem world believes that if they bloody the nose of America that we will back down. HISTORY

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