Camp Holloway Discussion Forum Archive 04 - 01/01/04 to 02/10/06

Re: Henry Wallace and the Democrat Party

Did you notice on Friday 27 August on the Hannity and Colmes show that Senator "B-1 Bob" Dornan in a debate with a liberal displayed the Communist flag, an NVA flag and the remains of a Burned American flag. Bob stated that he was in the front row filming John Kerry during the war protests during the early seventies. He stated that he has a film of John Kerry standing on a podium surrounded by Communist and NVA flags, and he collected one of each of them. The desicrated American flag had been burned then Kerry's supporters urinated on the flag.

On Wednesday 1 September (last nite) on the Hannity & Colmes show Newt Gingrich was speaking with Hannity and he specified that Kerry went to France and communicateded with the Vietnamese Envoy in Paris on three occasions while our soldiers were still serving in Vietnam.

If I remember correctly as Officers that we were supposed to sign up for six years of duty with a portion served as Active Duty and the remainder in the Reserves. John Kerry joined the service in 1966 after completing the spring semester and served as enlisted while he went to OCS then became a Navy Officer. Six years from that time would have been at least June of 1972.

Where and when did John Kerry serve his Reserve Duty? When did he receive his discharge from the service?

As an Officer, consorting with the enemy during the time of war is considered to be TREASON according to what I have learned.


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Henry Wallace and the Democrat Party
Re: Henry Wallace and the Democrat Party
Re: Henry Wallace and the Democrat Party