Camp Holloway Discussion Forum Archive 05 - 02/12/06 to 01/21/10

Forward from "Croc 6"

Forwarded from Don Martin "Croc 6" 67-68, a great man and good friend.

Dear John:

Thanks for the forwarded "Mexican Demonstrations demand passionate response from Americans."

Why must we always be the "good" (spelled w-e-a-k) guy?

We are already paying a huge price via our tax dollars going to support illegals in hospitals, emergency rooms, schools, jails, etc. all over the country. The price is going up with each new illegal, who works cheaply, cheaper than legal immigrants or native born citizens, then sends his or her money to Mexico or elsewhere, often without contributing a dime to social security or tax coffers. Our gain is not commensurate with their "drain" on the national economy.

The companies, individuals, farms and industries who hire illegal, undocumented workers are not blameless either. However, it is Mexico's President Fox and his government officials who are laughing all the way to the bank and probable re-election.

Are we a "nation of laws" as I hear touted by politicians on Fox and other news programs, or are we just pretending to be a nation of laws? Think about it when you contrast what is said to what is happening "right here in River City," as the line from an old musical goes.

Now we will pay not only more in terms of money, but through unrest in the schools, streets and elsewhere, as Mexican and Salvadoran gangs take over one barrio at a time. They have made it no secret what their aims are, and they will kill anyone who gets in their way. Check out the activities of the Salvadoran gang MS-13 if you don't believe me. They also have friendly ties with Al-Queda and similar groups of terrorists.

The final price will be paid in hundreds of thousands or millions of lost lives at the hands of islama-fascists who sneak across the Mexican and Canadian borders right behind the "guest workers" with parts and plans for briefcase nukes to terrorize and destroy the nation's cities and towns.

I am not a pessimist, rather, I am a realist. I am not a racist and proudly have at least four races / distinct ethnicities of people in my own immediate family, some of whom are immigrants, all of whom are here legally. No, I am not a racist, rather an American who wants to continue to build this nation as the Founding Fathers envisioned, not destroy it culturally, linguistically, religiously and finally, actually via bombs, bio-terrorism or other means.

Our plate is full, and the meal is not very appetizing, but we had better find a way to eat and digest it properly, or get it down the garbage disposal before the mold takes over and poisons us all.

These are just my feelings concerning the "passionate response" item received via the internet, a piece which follows on the heels of the illegals' mass demonstrations demanding we dissolve our borders and surrender our country and its national treasure without a fight.

I am prepared to fight. Are you? Oh, by the way, what are our elected officials doing for or to us? Let's find out!

a retired, combat-wounded Soldier of the U. S. Army
a taxpayer and voting citizen in Seminole, Oklahoma

Cheers,,,,,,,,,,, Lynn

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Forward from "Croc 6"
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