Camp Holloway Discussion Forum Archive 05 - 02/12/06 to 01/21/10

Update from Dan DelaRosa

Hi all,

Its been a while. Just want to let you all know that we are having our ground dedication ceremonies on Saturday February 3, 2007. The ceremonies will held at the site located at 8005 Cleveland/Massillon Road in Clinton, Ohio. A very nice historical community. It has been a long two years with many up's and down's, but we kept pressing on and we are beginning to see the fruits of our labor of love. There has been many volunteers and donations. The recent one has been our 30 ft flag poles that are being installed in the next couple of days. I also received a call from the White House and they have shown much interest. Plans are still being worked out for a meeting with President Bush to help us locate our 119 AHC Gator ship. I informed the White House that we would place a plaque next to each aircraft recognizing the Presidents contribution. "With God all things are possible" I spoke with LT Gen Hal Moore and he was thrilled to narrate our 3 D virtual tour of the park.
We also met with the Ohio VVA in Columbus. There are working on raising funds for a museum that they would like to erect next to the Memorial Park.
There just happens to be an old school house right next door to the site.
Things are coming together guys.

I will keep you posted.
