Camp Holloway Discussion Forum Archive 05 - 02/12/06 to 01/21/10

Re: Vietnam Vets Rally to Protect Memorial

GREAT, Mark-

the Gathering of Eagles has PLENTY of information which suggests there is a strong likelihood the cretins will attempt to deface monuments..

at least one message board posting (from reliable sources) which report a dozen or so Memorials across the country defaced by
"someone".. any guesses WHO?

and a couple of lefties WERE arrested recently in the act AT OUR WALL... IN THE DARK, and red-handed, with implements of desecration.

(where have all the STARLIGHT SCOPES gone?)

Seriously, the stated mission of our presence will be to make a unified, dignified, strong presence. Non-violence is the word of the day-
but NO ONE in the right can be expected to surrender the right of self defense, or defense of an innocent person.

like someone said on the message board..

"Don't make me put a diaper on, and drive down there and whup your ass.."

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Vietnam Vets Rally to Protect Memorial
Re: Vietnam Vets Rally to Protect Memorial