Camp Holloway Discussion Forum Archive 05 - 02/12/06 to 01/21/10

March on the Pentagon - Another Side

Reposted with permission of Chuck (CEO) Oualline:

This is from our Silver Spur president who attended the counter-demonstration on Saturday. He got the numbers directly from the Park Police, who would not allow the Answer people to take their signs down to The Wall. Our Eagles, mostly Vietnam vets, were there to see that it was not desecrated.

Waldo also told me that after the demonstrators marched away, they left a trash dump on the ground where they had gathered. When the vets left The Wall, there was not a scrap on the ground. From a much larger crowd.

Where have you heard that the anti-war demonstrators were outnumbered at least 3 to 1 ????


Subject: Gathering of Eagles

What an experience. Park Police estimates the Eagles outnumbered the opposition by 3 to 1. Eagles were approximately 28,000 to 30,000 while the Answer crowd had approximately 5,000 to 8,000 tops.

I was not sure what we were in for when I got to the Metro Foggy Bottom Station around 8:00 am. Gary Swartz from Scouts called me and he was already on the grounds. Gary found me in this huge crowd, no wonder he was in the Scouts, and we had a terrific time together. Gary, thanks for the company.

What we found were mostly 18 to 21 year olds led by disgruntled old “hippies” who in most cases were college professors. Gary and I talked to many of these kids and I think they were very surprised that we were nice to them. It goes without saying they began babbling all this hate speech about Bush and naturally defended Bill Clinton. I will admit I had to agree with them on some points. We all agreed we were freezing our butts off!

The academic community should be ashamed of themselves for misleading these impressionable kids to the wrong conclusions and filling them with garbage that is not even close to the truth. I think there needs to be a national outcry for tax supported colleges and universities to oust these people if they cannot teach our young people the truth on anything. Tenure as a way of life in colleges needs to be abolished. University of North Carolina tuition is $29,000 a year and is also state supported.

I was so surprised to see so many kids. I didn’t expect that. They could be my grandchildren and I guess that instinct of grandparents came out there on the streets and I felt strongly these kids needed a word of kindness instead of a finger gesture. All of the vets there were decent to these kids and had some polite but harsh words to the people our age leading them. One woman about 60 from the ANSWER group told me she holds a doctorate in political science and the 10 or 12 girls with her were some of her students from Howard University. She also informed me I did not know what war was. Here I stand with uniform, Stetson and Cav boots, complete with silver spurs and I didn’t know what the Vietnam War was about. The best part however, is she claimed to be convicted of “burning HER draft card’ and sent to prison. All of those kids wanted to know how America could send this poor professor to prison. I informed them her professor was a liar since the United States did not draft women in the RVN conflict. She immediately started screaming bloody murder trying to dampen her lies. They didn’t believe me so I told them to research it. I also informed this “professor with the doctorate” she was a liar and a person without honor for lying to her students.

I think the Professor may lose some students this week. Mostly women on the anti-war side which I believe were disgruntled, leftover hippies without a cause who hate men and everything good about this nation. Gee whiz. With that, I pulled pitch and came back to normalcy, I think

The headlines should read in the paper “VIETNAM VETS RAN JANE FONDA OUT OF TOWN” She wasn’t there. A true Coward!

Faithfully Yours,

J. Waldo Pepper, Sr.

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