Camp Holloway Discussion Forum Archive 05 - 02/12/06 to 01/21/10


I ran into Jim Tinney at the reunion. He was the LT. platoon leader of the first Platoon (Blue 1) in late 66 and until September 67. He is doing well and living good in upstate NY about 700 meters from the Canadian border on an island in the ST. Lawrence River. I had not seen him since 1967. He left the army after Vietnam but stayed in the guard and finished as a Lt Col. I gave him a coin and the three patches I have. I also met a couple of class mates I had not seen since 66.
I Ran into a couple of guys from Bob Kilpatrick's area who did not know who I was referring to until I mentioned the Governors Tavern and then their light's went on and, yup they know him well and spoke highly of his Veterans work and his job as Quality control officer at the tavern. Maybe my slurred martini speech added to the confusion, not sure.
Not a very big turn out this year nor was it very well organized but enjoyable just the same.

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