Camp Holloway Discussion Forum - Research Archive - 11/11/00 to 01/21/10

Re: The Left Wing anti war folks

I have watched them for years. They are Very fair. For example here is what they say about the currrent anti war group

"Reds and Cindy Sheehan Come to Town"
"If past coverage is any guide, the major media will deliberately ignore the involvement of communists in organizing the "anti-war" protest. They will focus instead on celebrity speakers such as actress Jessica Lange, the flamboyant George Galloway, Ralph Nader and, of course, Sheehan. But if we had anything approaching an investigative press, the communist role is something that would be exposed. It is a classic case of Marxists using front groups to manipulate innocent people.

The top leaders of International ANSWER (Act Now to Stop War & End Racism), the group organizing and paying the full costs of the stage, sound and setup at the rally, come out of the Workers World Party. This is a group so extreme in its adulation for anti-American dictators that honest liberals like David Corn of The Nation magazine have recoiled in dismay over how many people on the left associate with them.

The immediate aim is to defeat the U.S. in Iraq by creating the impression that the American people are tired of the war and want to withdraw U.S. troops. The long-term objective is to destroy the American way of life."

That says it all. and we are damned fools if we let the left continue un opposed. we need to go at them hammer and tong.

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The Left Wing anti war folks
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Re: The Left Wing anti war folks
Re: The Left Wing anti war folks