Camp Holloway Discussion Forum Archive 05 - 02/12/06 to 01/21/10

Re: BT move over, we're moving to Texas...

: God love Texas.Hey Bob,when do you think
: Connecticut and Mass. will get the same law
: enacted?!! They seem to have no trouble
: getting gay right bills thru in these fairy
: states. I am truly ashamed to live here. Mix

Actually, Al, Connecticut is not too bad. As far as concealed carry of handguns, it's a "shall-issue" permit state, which means they have to show a reason not to issue a permit, and you cannot be required to show a reason for them to issue as long as you are a solid citizen. Also, in CT, deadly force is legal in defense of person, no retreat required.

Difference from "castle" states like Florida and, soon, Texas is that, in CT, deadly force is not legal in defense of property, except that you are not required to retreat from your own home or place of business. They (and you) would have a problem if you stuck a gun out the window of your house in the middle of the night and plugged the guy trying to steal your lawn mower. Invite him in, THEN shoot him, you're okay.

I have information from experts in the field that the first thing that 100% of burglars do upon entering a house is go to the kitchen and get a BIG knife from your knife drawer. That, apparently, is why 100% of burglars who are shot by homeowners have in one of their dead hands a large kitchen knife. At least the ones who will be shot my my house will. That, obviously, ends the defense of person discussion.

Massachusetts, on the other hand, sucks on all counts above. Carry permits are difficult and expensive, guns are classified and individually registered and permitted, and politicians think that only politicians should own guns. Commies.


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BT move over, we're moving to Texas...
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